LENS has helped me to remain calm in stressful situations. Urgent issues no longer make me anxious. My ability to focus is better and my productivity has increased as a result.
— Sativa Boatmen-Sloan, Attorney
I sleep better with fewer incidents of difficulty falling asleep. I feel more “connected” in the sense that I recognize my feelings before I stuff them and become passive aggressive. I am more present with people at work. I am coming up with more creative ideas. I am more peaceful and happier.
— CG, Administrative Assistant
I’ve been using LENS treatment to help me sleep and control my anxiety. It works great, I sleep well, I’m calmer, and Paul is very informative. I strongly suggest trying LENS!
— KH, Chiropractic Physician
I have a little one who is two years old. When my little one came to live with me at the age of 8 months, she had night terrors. She would only sleep for an hour at a time at most. We worked with several people and different tools. We had not had a full night’s sleep until LENS! However, that was not all that changed. She is now able to stay calm and focused and enjoy her friends.
— Saybra W, Foster Mother
LENS helped greatly with my inability to stay awake. I am no longer taking medication for that issue. Also has helped greatly with my PTSD. Paul is fantastic and a great therapist. Worth every penny!!!
— Kris H, Licensed Professional Counselor.
I feel more clear and organized. Not as frustrated as before. More relaxed when I leave.
— SW, Electrician
This technology has been around for years and it is awesome! Hard to describe it’s benefits but I’ll try. Overloaded schedule creates white noise and crises at work create emotions to spike, both interfere with productivity that would reduce the overloaded schedule. Viscious circle? This inexpensive, easy, technology calmed the white noise and emotional spikes. They’re just gone. It’s that simple. Didn’t notice they were greatly in the way of production until they were gone. Sleep is uninterrupted, mind is clear, calmness and peace reign. Paul should raise his prices!
— Kerry N, Loan Officer
I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years. As most people of 66 years of age, I have survived life’s traumas: death of family member, divorce, financial difficulties, job loss, and struggles as a parent. I thought I had weathered the road fairly well, but in March I began to have extreme anxiety and was afraid to leave home. I would get to a stop sign and wonder where I was or what I planned to do. I would go back home. Some days were worse than others.

I found out about LENS at the chiropractor’s office. I had looked at the information and was curious, but when I could not function normally, I decided to try LENS. I was fearful and uncertain, but Paul gave me information that made me comfortable with it.

I began LENS sessions in March 2015 with a six session package. I improved rapidly. After another death in the family, I signed up for six more sessions. By the middle of August, I had completed the sessions and I feel like I have my life back.

I am thankful to Paul and LENS for giving me hope for the future without anxiety and depression.
— Rita P, Retired School Teacher
Before LENS, I was crippled with anxiety and depression. I could not make decisions or foucs on what I needed to do. After LENS, my mental fog has lifted. I feel calm, focused and confident. I used to have trouble leaving the house due to anxiety. Now it is easy. LENS has radically changed my life.
— TB, 69 year old female retiree
My daughter was struggling with sudden aggression, explosiveness and extreme difficulty falling to sleep. These behaviors were not typical for her and were an expression of internal struggles she was experiencing due to previous trauma. We tried so many therapeutic approaches, and Neurofeedback was by far the most effective for her. She now falls asleep within 10 minutes and has her typical, calm demeanor back. I am so grateful for our positive experience. I was not having active symptoms that I was aware of but I wanted to try LENS based on the great response we got for her. After a few LENS treatments, I realized that I was calmer and slept better. I was also better capable of seeing conflicts in my life more clearly. I had not realized how much stress I was carrying because it had become my usual state of being. I continue to feel life’s ups and downs, but it feels more manageable to me than before. I am so happy that I tried it.
— SW, Social Worker